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Women Unpaid Labor

We may have different socioeconomic status..

But at home..we are all the same. We spend an average of 4.5 hours a day on unpaid labor with occasional breaks, juggling between household chores and children to care for. Every moment in life is incomplete without these sacrifices that are made purely out of love and sincerity.

"Unpaid labor (cooking, cleaning, childcare, and other household tasks) holds women back the most from achieving their dreams. On average, the time women spend performing unpaid labor amounts to seven more years than men. That's the time it takes to complete a bachelor's and master's degree." - Melinda Gates

As women, we stand on the sacrifices of million women before us. We must stand up for ourselves, we must stand up for each other. May you prosper and stood to affirm in the course of life. Happy International Women’s Day!

Source : The Moment of Lift, Melinda Gates

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